Welcome to Poems for Buttercup
Home of handmade Waldorf dolls and needle felted crowns.
My name is Zoe and I am a mother to four girls, we live in sunny Gisborne New Zealand. My parents brought up myself and my two older sisters and two younger brothers right here in Gisborne . We had a very unhurried magical childhood, playing in the forest behind our home { where I now live with my family } and in the creek at the bottom of the hill in the magical valley where my parents first met, lived in a house bus and ran an Organic Farm.
Our lives don't quite look the same these days but we find magic where we can ,embracing the changing seasons , festivals and especially creating hand made toys for our little ones.
When I was a kindergartener my parents and a group of friends built a Waldorf Steiner Kindergarten. It was a small magical space that smelled of warm home made bread. We would feed the fairies left over crumbs and listen to stories about wood gnomes. This time will always hold a special space in my heart.
Poems for Buttercup came to life when my youngest baby was only new , to fill a want for a Waldorf doll my sister and i decided to start making them . First for our own children , friends and then more and more people all over the world.
The name comes from my daughter and nieces names, our wee muses ~
Florence Poet and Orla Buttercup ~ Poems for Buttercup